The Task We had to design an ultrasonic sonicator to get desired product formation through reaction. The crystal size, size distribution, polymorph, habit, and purity had to be appropriate as per the specifications provided by the client. The Solution We provided a 2 L SS 316 L reactor system with a re-circulating system, and an ultrasonic laboratory system with Hastelloy-made jacketed flow cell, with necessary controller and indicators. The equipment was PLC-controlled and flame-proof as per the IP 65 classification. We had to reduce the particle size of API from D90 42 microns to D90 2.91 microns within 30 minutes. RTUL flow cell sonicator was checked thrice from validating good results from the equipment. For more information The Advantages Process intensification rates are many times faster than conventional micronized, mixed tank reactors, and crystallizers. Visit Website